Become the photographer you want to be

The Amsterdam Photo Club has a lot to offer photographers at any level of experience. Whether you are just starting to take photos with your first camera, or already producing high end quality images. We arrange over 30 events per year, all with the main goal of making you a better photographer. The majority of these events are free, and there is no membership fee. With over 750 members, we make Amsterdam a hot ticket in the photography scene.

Take advantage of our knowledge and collaborations with local partners. Let us help you become the photographer you want to be! Join now, if you haven’t already:

Join now, if you haven’t already:


Joshua Hoffine

Joshua Hoffine

November 2014: Horror photographer Joshua Hoffine is a master at staging and

Rockarchive Winners

Rockarchive Winners

Congratulations to our contest winners Alvaro, Javier Arenas Valladares and

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