Amsterdam Photo Club Foundation

After 7 years of organising over 180 photography events, the Amsterdam Photo Club has grown into an active and reputable local photography community.

In our ongoing effort to offer free photography events and cost-efficient workshops, we are proud to announce the creation of the Amsterdam Photo Club Foundation.

Help us make a difference

Donations, sponsorships and volunteers helps us keep our community available to everyone. It also helps improve the quality of our events, allowing us better access to resources needed for educational training and event participation.

By donating you help local photographers develop their photography through free events, allowing anyone wanting to participate, regardless of their financial situation. You also help us cover expenses like: hiring venues for affordable prices, web hosting & software licences, prizes for photo contests, equipment, supplies and fees for participating in local networking events.

Donate to bank account: NL95ABNA0248780182 or online payment:

Unseen Amsterdam 2017

Unseen Amsterdam 2017

Join us on September 23rd to Amsterdam’s photography fair

Amsterdam Harbor Excursion Photos

Amsterdam Harbor Excursion Photos

This year the Amsterdam Photo Club celebrated world photo day by taking a boat

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